Don't miss our exciting pink and white rose sale! We're offering one-dozen pink or white roses professionally arranged in a vase with greens for only $39.95! What a deal! Order your pink or white roses for local Chicagoland delivery today!
Ashland Addison is a family-owned and operated florist, celebrating 80 years in business! The Sheffield family has grown the business into one of the largest - and most incredible - retail florists in Chicago! Let us be your favorite florist. In Chicago at 3118 N. Lincoln Avenue, 1640 W. Fulton St., in Rush University at 1620 W. Harrison and in the Prentice Women's Hospital at 250 E. Superior St. In Westchester at 10034 W. Roosevelt Rd.
Think Pink in October!
We are thrilled to make a 10% donation to support breast cancer programs at Lynn Sage Cancer Research Foundation in Chicago for each of our pink bouquets and blooming plants that are purchased throughout the month of October!
Shop online at and visit our Breast Cancer Awareness page to see eligible selections!
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