
Comment from a Customer

What a sweet sweet thing to hear on a gorgeous day.... Check out this comment from Barb, a customer...

I just wanted to thank Ashland-Addison for your reliability. I moved out ofChicago a few years ago, but I've learned the hard way that, when you orderflowers online or from an 800 number, you usually have no idea which floristwill actually complete the order and in what condition it will arrive. But I have never gotten anything but rave reviews for your arrangements.

I also want to send some kudos to your excellent phone representatives. They are always friendly, helpful, patient and respectful of budgetaryrestraints. You get the feeling they really care about satisfying thecustomer and the recipient. Unfortunately, that's not often the case thesedays. And, since I'm the kind of person who will send a letter of complaint when I receive poor service, I just wanted to drop a line and commend yourcompany on its excellent service--it is very appreciated! Keep up the goodwork. - Barb May 4, 2009

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