
Take $5.00 OFF Long-Stemmed Red Roses Today Only

Don't miss this exclusive deal today and tomorrow ONLY! Take $5.00 OFF our popular long-stemmed red rose bouquet ordered online. Have your gorgeous flowers hand delivered anywhere in Chicagoland! Product code: LSR (only). Use promo code: LSR5 for $5.00 OFF in the promotions box at check out. Order 2/9 or 2/10 only. Online only at www.ashaddflorist.com. Not valid with any other promotions or discounts.

1 comment:

Chicago Florist said...

Beautiful Flowers do have a place in the people heart they create a special place in the people life. Flowers are really to cool. Chicago Florist Chicago Florist also provide a great offer to the customer that they deliver the fresh flowers to customers in Naperville area.