
Valentine's Day Special - Pink Lily Bouquet on Sale

Ashland Addison Florist has a special deal available this weekend only - Pink Lily Bouquet for only $34.95! Local delivery only. Hurry and call (312) 432-1800 to deliver this gorgeous Pink Lily bouquet to Chicago or Chicago's suburbs for 2012 Valentine's Day!

Shop online at www.ashaddflorist.com.
Call Chicago's favorite local, family-owned florist at (312) 432-1800 anytime!
We're Open on Sunday February 12, 2012 - Call us to place your order!

1 comment:

Naperville Florist said...

Valentine's day is a very special day for each and every couple. Flowers has an importance role in this day. Flowers has great power to show concern to the person that's why people present flower to each other. Naperville Florist
Naperville Florist
is also one of the flower shop which help people to show their love to loved ones.